How Often Should You Repaint Your Shutters?

Wondering how long shutters will last before they need to be repainted? Generally speaking, 10 years is a pretty safe estimate. If you have high quality shutters that were properly painted and installed initially, you shouldn’t need to repaint before that, though there are a few exceptions.The truth is that there is no exact number of years or one-size-fits-all answer. The ability to repaint your shutters, and how frequently, will depend on several factors. To get an idea of what’s right for your shutters, ask yourself these questions:

Wondering how long shutters will last before they need to be repainted? Generally speaking, 10 years is a pretty safe estimate. If you have high quality shutters that were properly painted and installed initially, you shouldn’t need to repaint before that, though there are a few exceptions.

The truth is that there is no exact number of years or one-size-fits-all answer. The ability to repaint your shutters, and how frequently, will depend on several factors. To get an idea of what’s right for your shutters, ask yourself these questions:

What material are the shutters?

What’s true of vinyl may not be true of pine, so this is the first question to consider. Wood shutters will eventually need to be repainted, whereas vinyl boasts a longer paint lifespan upfront. Vinyl shutters can be repainted, but it needs to be done with care to avoid peeling and bubbling. Composite shutters tend to offer the best of both worlds: low maintenance plus the high-quality look of wood.

composite board and batten shutters

PRO TIP: Are you working with composite shutters? Follow our step-by-step guide to repainting your composite shutters.

What color are the shutters?

Not all colors age equally. For example, vibrant blue shutters may look dull after only a few years, while light gray can get away with a bit more fading before it’s noticeable. It’s normal for colors to weaken over time, but it may be the difference between seven years and eleven before you need a refresh.

blue/purple shutters that need to be repaint

Will you DIY or hire someone?

Repainting shutters is a task that most homeowners can tackle themselves, although it may be out of the question for you if you have a tall second story or don’t feel safe using a ladder to remove the shutters. If that’s the case, a house painter will happily do the job for you. Of course, paying a professional can be pricey — another factor to consider when assessing when to repaint your shutters.

painting wooden louver shutter

RELATED READ: How to Properly Paint Shutters to Avoid Cracking

How much direct sunlight do the shutters get?

Sometimes, the positioning of your shutters will make a bigger impact than age alone. If your home — or part of your home— gets smacked with hot afternoon sunlight all year long, your shutters will fade more quickly than those in the shade. Harsh conditions such as an extremely humid or snowy climate could also cause your shutter paint to wear and tear earlier than that 10-year mark.

PRO TIP: If your shutters are cracked or severely warped, you’ll likely be better off investing in new shutters instead of trying to salvage the old ones. If that’s the case, peruse our lineup of shutters made with composite, pine, vinyl, or cedar now.